The we... who are WE. what are WE doing. why are WE doing what WE do?


WE all have fun making things. Creatings things. Documenting. Drawing. Painting. Act. Work. Tinker. DOING!


Point made...


Three siblings, Lorenz, Anna, Simon, grown up in the bavarian forest, went different ways, every one his own, but the right one! For all of us the forest stays home, retreat, parents house, center of development. The forest keeps reappearing quite often in our works, sometimes as raw material, metaphor, place of being, or simply space to breathe.


Every work is full of details, ideas, motivation, knowledge, ability, which cannot be presented in its full range within these borders...


...nevertheless here´s a little insight in our works.


Who wants to see more, wants to give feedback, wants to go and start a project, with a single one of us or with all of us, is most welcome to contact us via the below mail adresses!


Anna - Lorenz - Simon